Daniel Mayor


The majority of my work revolves around the idea of holding a deeper meaning. There are many traits in my photographs and media work that reveal this such as a photograph where something feels off. Science fiction plays a major role in my art making practice. Movies and tv shows affect my work even if I don’t realize it. I have a fascination with Film and Cinematography which is why Media has captured my attention. Storytelling has always been important to me. What excites me with video is that there’s an opportunity to create an entire world revolving around characters and stories. In terms of Photography, I often find myself wondering what can be recreated in Photoshop and what can be recreated in-camera. Product photography is always used as a source of inspiration for me, especially for my Thesis. I have found myself slowly embracing in-camera effects and I have been experimenting. One idea that intrigues me is creating an effect that might look Photoshopped, when in reality, it isn’t. My love for Photoshop began with my fascination with the corporate world, magazines, websites, movie posters, etc. I always looked up to big budget companies, and recently working as a photo editor for a company has opened my eyes. Not everything in an image is the truth. There could be manipulations invisible to the naked eye. As an artist, I’ve always wanted my artwork to ask questions about society and the world around us rather than just take or make a pretty photo. If I were to compare myself to other artists, I would not be able to. I have learned so many things from many artists that my work is practically an amalgamation of everyone I met and learned from. Artists that inspire me are Hiroshi Sugimoto, Sarah Charlesworth, Gregory Crewdson, Edward Weston, Denis Villeneuve, Anna atkins, James, Turrell, and Olafur Eliasson Gregory Crewdson, Magritte, Tim Davis, Ai Wei Wei and John Giorno.. These are people who I believe are using their crafts in unconventional and new ways and I aspire to be an artist like that.