Zhongxuan Lin

Freedom or Responsibility, video, 10/8/2020, 9.07MB

This video is a text-based PSA animation that focuses on the current issue of COVID-19. Under this global pandemic, the conflicts between freedom of individuals and responsibility of individuals start to be unveiled. Social distancing is an effective method to prevent being infected but not everyone is following this rule. Being not social distancing will cause infection, which will make the COVID-19 situation more server. In such case, if the freedom of individual is not limited it would take others’ lives. This animation is to make assumption on how individual freedom with indulgence could play a negative role during this pandemic. This artwork is also to present that freedom of individuals should be prior to human lives, and people could go through this crisis by respecting others’ lives. I hope by creating this ‘imagining otherwise”, people could make a right choice and not repeating the wrong “history” presented in this video.