Matthew Simonetti

Always Gray, Acrylic on canvas 2020 16″ x 20″

Like many, I’ve been in constant amazement since it became apparent in 2016 when once-straightforward social and political issues would no longer come to be viewed in such away by many Americans. Since then, the presidential administration has publicly promoted its populace to question and defy previously held norms and truths, allowing for backward beliefs to come back into style—fashionably—and for conspiracy theories to run rampant. To make matters worse, it has further eroded the public’s faith in the press via disinformation campaigns, urging people to believe what the president says over the “liberal media,” so long as the news doesn’t support his agenda. Sadly over time, I’ve felt more and more in disagreement with some of those close to me, friends, family, and coworkers, namely, about issues we collectively face as a society. Many of whom continue to spew misguided opinions about any given topic, their logic being that things like systematic racism and scientific facts are not black and white, but instead made of many many shades of gray.