Jenna MacNeill

Into the Unknown Series


Silkscreen print

8.5” x 11”

During a hectic time of uncertainty, I find myself as well as my peers worried for the future and what is to come. Quarantine has especially escalated these feelings. I personally have been overthinking during these past chaotic months. With the world upside down, there is not much we can control. This series represents, in my opinion, how time has felt in recent months. My first piece, Think, represents my initial overthinking about the present and future. Next, is a piece titled Wired, representing how my brain feels sometimes when I am at my peak anxiousness. Lastly, Enlightened, shows how I am trying to find the silver lining among the clouds that rest upon us during these challenging times. These images work together to create a narrative about how time has felt to me, as well as others around me.