Jake McNamara

Time for Change, Color Video with sound, performance installation, 4 minutes 44 seconds Installation/Performance: Dimensions vary | Poster: 18x24in 2020

My Work, as it relates to the prompt, is a call to action and a venting of frustrations in face of current events. Its main focus is on the overwhelming amount of negative news media that we encounter on a day to day basis. We are constantly barraged by media from various sources a lot of which focuses on the many disheartening current events going on in the country and around the world. As if this were not bad enough, a lot of these sources tend to present this information with an incredible bias which only adds to stress to a viewer’s consumption. The way I see it, we are at a point in time in which we have to break free from this media consumption cycle. Stay informed but don’t let yourself be consumed by the stress of it all, and if you’re up for the task, don’t just be content with watching. It’s time for change.