Max Holmgren


V1208NN2020XMX001 focuses on the creation of a space and how variables like, color, sound and environment can define it. The goal of this three-dimensional rendered space is to transport you and let you experience this environment through my carefully guided camera that moves forward into an unknown space of my own design. The audio paired with this piece exists there to give the viewer a sense of awe and scale in relation to you being the moving lens projected into this space. I’ve always been interested in this relationship between color, environment, and sound and my goal here is to evoke several different types of emotions like dread, and curiosity so that the viewer can share the feelings I feel when observing this imagined space.

Max Holmgren

The Technological Ascension of Humans

The Technological Ascension of HumansIn this series of images, it is my goal to represent humans as we will evolve over thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years, as well as to show the progression of this evolution over time through these series of images and sounds. A lot of the inspiration behind this piece comes from when I was a child. I would read horror stories of unspeakable horrors and images, and read about themes discussing the most complex ideas of what a being could become in relation to humanity. This piece expands upon that very principle of how complex a being, in this case humans, could become if we are left to expand and evolve over a grand period of time. This idea of becoming something infinitely complex is what inspires the idea of these images and sounds. This correlation between becoming a more abstract human and a divine entity.