

Jack Shergalis

Howdy folks, Skullbaby here. Thanks for clicking on those icons on the welcome page! I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about my experiences working with Jack Shergalis on this project. After all, you clicked on my skull to get here! Oh, and enjoy these frames Jack drew of me for that animation on the welcome page. He told me they’re here to demonstrate the similarity between comics and animation, but we all know it’s really because of my innate charisma and charm. 

Let’s start with Jack. He and I have a peculiar relationship. Then again I suppose it’s not much more peculiar than the relationship any character has with their creator. Jack seemed to think such a relationship was interesting. So much so that he made a comic about it, which you can find by clicking on the eye icon at the top or bottom of the page. I found out later he was also trying to incorporate the philosophical concept of open individualism into that one. Something about how there’s only one universal consciousness that has somehow divided or replicated itself across time and space in order to experience itself subjectively. Sort of like how an author creates characters that are both independent individuals but also projections of the author, to be used as a means of exploring a fantasy reality or as an introspective tool. I guess that means me and Yuckface share a source consciousness. Gross. As for all the eyes, I think they’re kind of like representations of different points of view. Jack’s perspective, mine, Nihilismo, Explotar, even you and the rest of the readers are represented I guess. I don’t know, it’s kind of beyond me, to be honest. I’m a simple man. Er, Skullbaby.

As for the comics labelled 1 & 2, that’s more of an account of what I get up to with the rest of the guys. Things went a little sideways during our first tabletop roleplaying game session. Just wait ’til Jack finishes chapter 3 and you find out what happens next with Yuckface! He said chapter 3 ought to be done in a couple months at most, and he’s planning to assemble all three chapters together into a printed book that he’ll sell on his webstore. The link to said webstore is right there on the bottom of the page!

Oh, and Jack asked me to point out that the eye comic is a separate thing from the comics labelled “1” and “2”. The events of the eye comic happened a few months after the role playing incident if I remember correctly. He also asked me to point out that he’s got a mini comic for sale on his webstore right now about how I first met Nihilismo and Explotar. It’s a little traumatic for me to read, personally, but I bet you’ll enjoy it. And there’s no need to feel bad for me, I’m all fine now. Go check it out!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy Jack’s thesis project!  He’s planning on making a lot more comics about me and my friends, so check out his Instagram and maybe give him a follow on there to keep up with his work! 



20×30″ oil on canvas


This is the exact location I visited four times over the course of the semester. Every visit was about 3 weeks apart, and every time I would bring my coloraid and try to swatch theta the best of my ability the experience of the location into 4 quadrants.

Collected coloraid samples; four separate visits (4x6in color swatches on 8x10in paper):

The Swatches were then color matched and painted on canvas (4x6in on 8x10in canvas):

Final combination of all four visits, colors re-organized based off of original quadrant placement (ie. top left of original color swatch will be placed in top left quadrant of combined swatch, top right placed alongside other top rights in top right quadrant): 

Final Piece.



Oil on Canvas, 20in x 30in

Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, NJ


This is the exact location I visited four times over the course of the semester. Every visit was about 3 weeks apart, and every time I would bring my coloraid and try to swatch theta the best of my ability the experience of the location into 4 quadrants.

Collected coloraid samples; four separate visits (4x6in color swatches on 8x10in paper):

The Swatches were then color matched and painted on canvas (4x6in on 8x10in canvas):

Final combination of all four visits, colors re-organized based off of original quadrant placement (ie. top left of original color swatch will be placed in top left quadrant of combined swatch, top right placed alongside other top rights in top right quadrant): 

Final Result.



20×30″ oil on canvas


Hartshorne Park, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

This is the exact location I visited four times over the course of the semester. Every visit was about 3 weeks apart, and every time I would bring my coloraid and try to swatch theta the best of my ability the experience of the location into 4 quadrants.

Collected coloraid samples; four separate visits (4x6in color swatches on 8x10in paper):

The Swatches were then color matched and painted on canvas (4x6in on 8x10in canvas):

Final combination of all four visits, colors re-organized based off of original quadrant placement (ie. top left of original color swatch will be placed in top left quadrant of combined swatch, top right placed alongside other top rights in top right quadrant):